woensdag 18 mei 2011

Hollywood movie to begin filming in South Florida

MIAMI (WSVN) -- A new movie production is making preparations to film in South Florida.
The hit Broadway play "Rock of Ages" is getting ready to hit the silver screen, and filming will soon begin in Miami. "They're spending a lot of money. They're spending tens of millions of dollars here over the course of the six to twelve weeks that they'll be in production," said Jeff Peel of the Miami-Dade Office of Film & Entertainment.

The musical film will feature cameos by artists like Mary J. Blige and Miami's own Gloria Estefan. The production will bring many more celebrities to South Florida, including Tom Cruise, Alec Baldwin, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Russell Brand and Paul Giamatti. "Pretty much every star in Hollywood seems to be in this film," said Peel. "It's just the best advertisement that this city could ever get."

Read more: http://www.wsvn.com/news/articles/local/22004338396883/#ixzz1MjpeZqCM

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